Business Pitch for Career Development Company

Market Research, Business Planning, Business Strategy, Business Pitching

Over the course of 10 weeks, I was able to concept, market research, and develop a comprehensive business plan and pitch for a micro-internship and career development company.

During this class, Design the Future: Entrepreneurship Principles and Practice, I presented the progress of the business concept each week with a different focus:

·      Business Idea & Business Environment

·      Market Opportunity Analysis

·      Competitive Landscape

·      Customer Segments & Customer Profiles

·      Value Proposition, Value Map, & Product-Market Fit

·      Channels & Customer Relationships

·      Revenue Streams & Revenue Models

·      Partnerships, Costs, & Performance Metrics

·      Advertising Examples

The final deliverable consisted of the business pitch and executive summary.


Situational Systems Thinking Analysis


Business Pitch for Small Business Branding Agency